Chris Prochaska's EXAPNO
About Me
Chris Prochaska's EXAPNO

Chris Prochaska

Creative, reliable, and results-driven designer
with eyes on the big picture as well as the details.

linkedinI've been creative and artistic my entire life, from drawing crayon pictures of Batman when I was just a wee-lad, to always taking art courses through all of grade school. In college, I took classes on drawing, painting, photography, even architecture design, before focusing on computer-based graphic art and design. I received my BA from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and have been working professionally in the graphics field ever since.

My favorite software continues to be Adobe Photoshop. I've been using it since 1992, and, yes, I worked with it when it didn't have layers, and for text, you got one shot at typing it: text was immediately rasterized and uneditable. It's come a long way since then.

With every job I've held I've learned something new to help me grow as a designer and artist. Not just new software, but also new tips, tricks, and different ways to look at things. And the beauty is that that will never change… there will always be something new to learn. I look forward to it.

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